Saturday, 13 February 2010

Playing around with Things

My next appointed task was to play around with some photos on -- so I did.

While clearing out my mother's house, I found some negatives of pictures taken with an old Kodak Box Brownie of the Siamese kitten my father bought me for my ninth birthday. I scanned them, and used Adobe Photoshop to "negative" them into positives. It wasn't a very sophisticated camera! --here is one shot I thought would benefit from "sharpening" in picnik:

... and the result:

Hmm ... well, she looks a bit sharper, but she's gone stripey! I suspect it's the fault of the photo rather than picnik, though. I'll try it with a more conventionally-produced image (taken with a digital camera):

and here is the sharpened result. Doesn't look a lot different -- that'll teach me to be more careful about focussing!

Another option is to brighten up the exposure -- that shows up the roses in the background better:

And finally, as it's Valentine's Day tomorrow, I tried addding a "love flare":

(Does anyone else find it's a b****r trying to move images around in blogger?)

1 comment:

  1. Yes - Blogger is not great at images, sadly. They look lovely though!
