Friday, 29 January 2010

Getting Things started

Here is my iGoogle start page:

Wish I could remember what gadget I put where it says "Information is temporarily unavailable"!

The frog reminds of the little plastic frog I used to keep in my pencil-case and use as a mascot during exams -- it had such a comically mournful expression that it always cheered me up!

You may wonder why I have a gadget for searching Durham University Library's catalogue. Which brings me to today's little rant ...

It's quite fun to be able to set up a start page with various gadgets on it. But I don't honestly see that it's going to be much use to me in my work. The vast majority of gadgets seem to be either virtual pets or games. There are one or two useful things, such as the amazon search, but how about someone writing a gadget for searching OLIS? I did think of having a go at it myself -- I got as far as giving a title, but then decided that mastering how to do the body of it would take several weeks' intensive work! So then I wondered if I could adapt the Durham gadget -- hence its presence -- but I don't think it will be that simple. The there are all the other things I use regularly, like Blackwell's Collection Manager.

As it happens, I already have a home page. I set it up well over ten years ago, and I've adapted and added to it as what I use has changed. It's hardly the last word in sophistication, being basically a collection of links to websites or to other pages I've set up which are collections of links. In case you're interested, it currently looks like this:

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