Thursday, 28 January 2010

The Thing is ...

What do I hope to get out of this exercise?

-- An amazon voucher (so that I can read a good book instead of all these blathering blogs!)

-- I hope to learn more about Web 2.0 applications and how they can help me in my job. Because, as far as I can see from what I've picked up so far, they are of very limited use in a College library. I want to know what all the fuss is about!


  1. Hello, Penny here, one of the 23 Things presenters. I hope we can convince you that there are some really useful Web 2.0 applications. They can seem a bit frivolous, granted, but to take just one example from the Law Library, we used Facebook and twitter during the recent snowstorms to communicate with readers about early closings. You might also like Stay tuned!

  2. Granted it was useful for that - but we have 24/7 opening for College members, plus various email mailing lists. I don't know if all our students have Facebook and twitter accounts, but I do know they all have email accounts!

  3. Hi, thanks for your response. As you point out, your situation is somewhat different from other libraries, so benefits from Web 2.0 may take a different form. On the plus side, through your blog I've learned something new - I didn't know you had 24/7 opening!
